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Titre: Comportement mécanique et microstuctural d'un acier à ferrite aciculaire en relation avec différents traitements
Auteur(s): Saida, oukaci
Mots-clés: quenching,tempering,casehardening,hardness,microstructure
Date de publication: 18-nov-2024
Collection/Numéro: Mémoire de Master;
Résumé: Our study concerned to describe the influence of thermal and thermo-chemical treatmentson the mechanical properties of micro alloy steel. First, we characterized the study steel in itsraw state by determining its chemical composition, It’s mechanical properties (Hardness).Thenourstudywillbedividedintotwoparts.First,weconsideredtheinfluenceoftempering temperature on the mechanical properties (hardness), and microstructure of thetreated steel. To the second part which concerns the carburizing treatment carried out on thissame steel. In order to highlight the increase in the carbon content of the surface layer, andalsofollowing the evolutionofdepthandpenetrationasafunctionofcarburizing time.
URI/URL: http://dspace.univ-setif.dz:8888/jspui/handle/123456789/4513
Collection(s) :Mémoires de master

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