
Dépôt Institutionnel de l'Université Ferhat ABBAS - Sétif 1 >
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Agriculture >
Numéro 3-2012 >
Toxicite aigue de l'huile de ricinus communis l chez les souris blanches femelles mus musculus >

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Titre: Toxicite aigue de l'huile de ricinus communis l chez les souris blanches femelles mus musculus
Auteur(s): Guergour., H.
Mahdeb., N.
Allouni., R.
Benouadah., A.
Bouzidi., A.
Mots-clés: Ricinus
castor oil
Date de publication: 2012
Collection/Numéro: Volume 3;2012
Résumé: The acute toxicity of the crude extract oil from Ricinus communis L was assessed by determining the (LD 50) female mice Mus Musculus who received different doses of the oil by intraperitoneal administration and the study of some parameters related particularly liver and kidney. This study allowed to calculate the LD 50 = 5623.41 mg / kg, with a significant decrease in the relative mass of the heart, liver and brain after the first day, and lung, heart, kidney and brain after the fifth day. Biochemical analyzes revealed a significant increase of creatinine after the fifth day, and an increase in ALP and GOT after 1 day while glucose showed no significant change. The histological study of the liver shows the attack by the péliose and the congestions of the renal tubules on the level of kidneys of the mice treated with the castor oil especially after the 5th day of the application. The whole of the biochemical and histological parameters shows the delayed toxic effect of the castor oil (after several days of its application).
URI/URL: http://dspace.univ-setif.dz:8888/jspui/handle/123456789/395
ISSN: 2 21 17 70 0 – – 1 10 05 59
Collection(s) :Toxicite aigue de l'huile de ricinus communis l chez les souris blanches femelles mus musculus

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