
Dépôt Institutionnel de l'Université Ferhat ABBAS - Sétif 1 >
Revues Scientifiques >
Verres, Céramiques & Composites >
Volume 3, numéro 01 >
Etude et caractérisations spectroscopiques des verres fluores ZBA dopés par les différents éléments de terresrares >

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Titre: Etude et caractérisations spectroscopiques des verres fluores ZBA dopés par les différents éléments de terresrares l’ER, l’HO et l’EU
Auteur(s): Chalal, M.
Djouama, T.
Ragheb, R.
Benmadani, Y.
Kermaoui 1, A.
Mots-clés: Verres fluorés
terres rares
Date de publication: 2014
Collection/Numéro: Volume 3;N°1
Résumé: Glasses based on zirconium fluoride (ZrF4) are the first fluoride glasses discovered by the brothers Poulain in 1975. Since this discovery, a real competition has been launched for a judicious choice of the chemical composition in order to synthesize more thermally stable glasses. Indeed, several studies have been conducted on the ability of some fluorides verification and the effect of all components on the properties of glass. Especially, the rare earth elements used as dopants to improve luminescent properties of the glass. We carried out a systematic study about the effect of the matrix ZBA (ZrF4-BaF2-AlF3) on the spectroscopic properties of different rare earth element (Er, Eu and Ho). The UV-Visible and IR absorption spectra (or transmission) were recorded for the different samples. And show a glasses transparence up to the wavelength. This limit is known as the cutoff multi-phonons, it is an intrinsic characteristic of the ZBA matrix. The transmission curves samples depict a several peaks due to corresponding absorption of rare earth ions. Several emission spectra were performed for two different excitation wavelengths of(532 and 808nm).Based on these spectra, we have observed the Up-conversion phenomenon, giving more energy emissions that photons absorbed. This phenomenon is particularly observed in the Er case and is completely absent in Eu and Ho cases. It is connected to the two photons absorption mechanism which depends on excited states energy and their lifetimes.
URI/URL: http://dspace.univ-setif.dz:8888/jspui/handle/123456789/309
Collection(s) :Etude et caractérisations spectroscopiques des verres fluores ZBA dopés par les différents éléments de terresrares

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