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Titre: Efficient fabrication of poly(pyrrole)-nanowires through innovative nanocontact printing, using commercial CD as mold, on flexible thermoplastics substrates: Application for cytokines immunodetection
Auteur(s): Garcia-Cruza, Alvaro
Nessark, Faiza
Lee, Michael
Zine, Nadia
Sigaud, Monique
Pruna, Raquel
Lopez, Manuel
Marotea, Pedro
Bausells, Joan
Jaffrezic-Renault, Nicole
Errachid, Abdelhamid
Mots-clés: Poly(pyrrole)-nanowires
Nanocontact printing
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
Diazonium chemistry
Date de publication: 21-nov-2018
Collection/Numéro: Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical;Sensors and Actuators B 255 (2018)
Résumé: Poly(pyrrole)-nanowires (PPy-NWs) were efficiently printed by using nano printing on flexible thermo-plastics, and then used to device an impedimetric immunosensor. The present pioneering technology allow to create high sensitive and disponsable immunosensor devised using a low cost and simple fabri-cation. The innovative nanocontact printing uses a PDMS stamp replicated from a CD mold. The PPyNW printing uses controlled chemical polymerization to print PPy-NWs on poly (ethylene terephthalate) and polyether ether ketone surfaces. Atomic force microscopy analysis of PPyNW revealed a width, height and a separation length of 125 ± 8 nm, 377 ± 5 nm and 172 ± 4 nm, respectively. The PPy-NWs were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The XPS results evidenced the covalent bonding between the thermoplastic surface and the PPyNWs. As a final point, the immunosensor was tested for the quan-tification of Interleukin 6 recombinant human (IL6, Ag) using EIS. The PPy-NWs were functionalized via diazonium coupling reaction and carbodiimide crosslinker chemistry for the immobilization of Anti-human IL-6 monoclonal antibodies (IL6 mAb’s). The developed immunosensor exhibited a sensitivity of 0.013 (pg/mL) −1 (linear fitting at R 2 = 0.99) and limit of detection (LOD) of 0.36 pg/mL in a linear range of 1–50 pg/mL for Ag IL-6, with a relative standard deviation percentage (RSD%) at 7.6%.
URI/URL: http://dspace.univ-setif.dz:8888/jspui/handle/123456789/2953
ISSN: 2520–2530
Collection(s) :Articles

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