
Dépôt Institutionnel de l'Université Ferhat ABBAS - Sétif 1 >
Revues Scientifiques >
Verres, Céramiques & Composites >
Volume 1, numéro 01 >
Comportement mécanique des composites à matrice céramique >

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Titre: Comportement mécanique des composites à matrice céramique
Auteur(s): Fantozzi, G.
Reynaud, P.
Mots-clés: ceramic matrix composite
Date de publication: 2011
Collection/Numéro: Volume 1;N°1
Résumé: Ceramic-matrix composites (CMCs) are interesting materials for aeronautic applications because of their good mechanical properties at high temperatures even under air. Contrary to bulk ceramics, CMCs have a non-brittle mechanical behaviour due tothe high strength of fibres and to optimized fibre/matrix interactions after matrix multi-cracking. Interactions between fibres and matrix act mainly at the interface level. When fibres and matrix are debonded, fibres slide with friction andenergy dissipation occurs. By using a shear-lag model, the energy dissipation can be calculated andthe evolution of the fibre/matrix interaction can be followed during fatigue.
URI/URL: http://dspace.univ-setif.dz:8888/jspui/handle/123456789/267
Collection(s) :Comportement mécanique des composites à matrice céramique

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