
Dépôt Institutionnel de l'Université Ferhat ABBAS - Sétif 1 >
Institut d'Optique et de Mécanique de Précision >
Thèses de doctorat >

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Titre: Caractérisation des couches déposées par pulvérisation sur un verre sablé revenue par une couche transparente : application de la méthode sol gel
Auteur(s): Laouamri, Hind
Mots-clés: verre sablé
une couche transparente
la méthode sol gel
Date de publication: 21-mai-2018
Résumé: The aim of this work is to investigate the effect of acrylic coatings on the optical and mechanical properties of sandblasted soda–lime–silica glass. The obtained results show that the sandblasting alters the surface state. Accordingly, the optical transmission drops from its initial value (T = 91.4%) to much less lower values (T ~ 15%) which leads to a bad visibility and a small photovoltaic efficiency (89%) through the sandblasted glasses. The mechanical strength which was 80 MPa for the as-received glass drops down to 24 MPa after sandblasting. The acrylic coating deposited by spray has been found very effective in restoring the surface state by filling the sandblasting defects. It results in a near total recovery of the optical transmission (T ~ 89%) which is accompanied by a remarkable improvement in the visibility and the photovoltaic efficiency (98%) through these glasses. The deposition of the acrylic coating leads to a significant improvement of the impact fatigue resistance. It could reach nearly 200 shocks after coating. This value is very important to that of sandblasted glass (3 shocks) and as-received glass (13 shocks). Scratch tests carried out on the coated samples showed that the pre-treatment by HF acid improves the adhesion of the coating.
URI/URL: http://dspace.univ-setif.dz:8888/jspui/handle/123456789/1677
Collection(s) :Thèses de doctorat

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