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Titre: Pharmacological effects of Myrtus communis L. on the gastrointestinal tract of rats and mice
Auteur(s): Benchikh, Fatima
Mots-clés: Myrtus communis L
gastric emptying
intestinal transit
Date de publication: 10-mai-2018
Résumé: Myrtle or Myrtus communis L. (M. communis L.) belongs to the Myrtaceae family. It is a widespread shrub in the Mediterranean area. This work was mainly concerned with the effects of this widely used plant in traditional medicine on some physiopathologic states of the gastrointestinal tract.The phytochemical analysis of the essential oil from the leaves revealed that the later is very rich in α-pinene (54.1%) and 1.8-cineole (26.5%). The different methanolic fractions of both leaves and berries were also rich in the tested polyphenolic compounds. The preliminary HPLC analysis of both the methanolic extracts from the leaves and berries showed the presence of gallic acid, ellagic acid, gentisic acid, hydroxy benzoic acid and quercetin as the main constituents in the leaves and gallic acid, gentisic acid and vanilic acid in berries. The antidiarrhoeal effects of both essential oil and different extracts from the leaves were assessed in mice using different doses and different mechanisms. It was found that these elements had effective antidiarrhoeal actions. The same agents also had potent antiulcerogenic effects in the rat stomach. This antiulcerogenic effect may results at least in part from the antioxidant activity. Indeed, both essential oil and extracts showed antioxidant effects in vivo and in vitro with most tests. The mechanisms of action may also be due to the stimulation of mucus secretion. The results from the experimental colonic inflammation and ulceration showed that the extract has anti-inflammatory and antiulcerogenic effects by counteracting the oxidative status associated with inflammation, and by inhibiting the pro-inflammatory markers (IL-1β, TNF α, iNOS, ICAM-1, and CIN-1). This work provides for the first time the scientific bases for the worldwide traditional use of this plant in the management of the digestive system ailments.
URI/URL: http://dspace.univ-setif.dz:8888/jspui/handle/123456789/1522
Collection(s) :Thèses de doctorat

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