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Titre: تقييم إستراتيجيات تخطيط وتوطين المناطق الصناعية في ظل ضوابط التنمية المستدامة
Auteur(s): حميدة, رابح
Mots-clés: localization industrial
sustainable planning
industrial zones
Industrial Strategy
industrial development
sustainable development
Date de publication: 3-avr-2018
Résumé: The selection of appropriate industrial sites is an important part of the spatial analysis of industrial activities and identifying the factors of industrial localization to achieve overall economic development, the development of industry and its localization also requires equipped industrial zones containing the whole integrated services and infrastructures, to build advanced industrial conglomerates, and competitive economic environment, participated in the sustainable industrial development. the industrial zones have demonstrated its positive role around the world as a stimulating environment for industrial localization, and its contribution in the realization of regional development, in addition to attract the foreign direct investment and to transfer new technologies, and strengthen the capacity of national products to compete in international markets, and the commitment to environmental requirements. Through the effective integration of the environmental dimension in the industrial strategies based on changing patterns of production and relying on pioneering experiments in establishing the environmental management system of industrial zones. This study aims to evaluate the Algerian and Saudi Arabia experiences in the field of industrial zones, Through their sustainable planning and localization strategies And the establishment of sustainable industrial zones that take into account the requirements of industrial localization and meet the needs of the industrial sector.
URI/URL: http://dspace.univ-setif.dz:8888/jspui/handle/123456789/1124
Collection(s) :Thèses de doctorat

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